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Lightmatter Connects Chiplets Optically

Lightmatter’s Passage substrate is an active photonic interposer for interconnecting chiplets. All the photonic components and supporting electrical circuits reside in a single multi-reticle piece of silicon.

Govt Tech Controls & Chip Slowdown

Govt Tech Controls & Chip Slowdown G. Dan Hutcheson The Chip Insider® The Greater Geopolitical Messaging of U.S Government Technology Controls: A few weeks ago the U.S. Government put Export Controls on EDA and Wide Bandgap Substrates. Then they blocked Nvidia & AMD from selling advanced AI chips in

Apple M1 Ultra Advanced Packaging

Packaging has become more sophisticated and a differentiator in the overall performance of advanced SoC chipsets. It can significantly impact form factor, helping to miniaturize designs in the multichip package and improve chip-chip RC delay. The Ultra is the first example of a device utilizing InFO-L technology that TechInsights has documented.