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Peak raw performance of the Hexagon-based AI accelerator in Qualcomm’s newest flagship smartphone processor is 4× greater than that of the previous generation.

Order Activity is Cautiously Warming up

Order Activity is Cautiously Warming up Shereen Vaux Order activity for semiconductor equipment increased to 56 °F. Order activity continues heating up for subcontractors/advanced packaging to alleviate the bottlenecks still seen there. Micron’s earnings release came in slightly above expectations

2023 Infotainment Report: Streaming Makes Great Gains

2023 Infotainment Report: Streaming Makes Great Gains Share This Post TechInsights surveyed 5,106 car owners in the United States (1,760), China (1,611), and Western Europe including France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom (1,735) covering their usage of in-car infotainment, including AM/FM