STMicroelectronics Ouster L3 Chip Third-Generation Direct Time-of-Flight CMOS Image Sensor Device Essentials Plus

The Ouster OS1 Mid-Range High-Resolution Imaging LiDAR incorporates the new REV7 sensor that uses the L3 Digital LiDAR Chip. This L3 chip is a stacked back-illuminated (BI) direct time-of-flight (d-ToF) fabricated by STMicrolectronics. The L3 chip uses single photo avalanche diode (SPAD) pixels to analyze the IR signal that is returned to the LiDAR from the emitting source located in the LiDAR.

YMTC 1.33Tb 128L QLC 3D NAND Internal Waveform Overview

The following is an Internal Waveform Overview containing the program, read, and erase waveforms for the YMTC 1.33 Tb 128L quad-level-cell (QLC) 3D NAND flash memory device (die markings: CEC1A). This device is packaged inside the YMTC YMC4G0W1TbG1AA1C0 NAND flash memory package, which was found on the HikSemi HS-SSD-V300 2.5 inch SATA 6 Gb/s 512 GB solid state drive (SSD).

Hybrid Technologies Legislation/Support

This database has collated the various incentives and legislation used to promote the development, manufacture and sales of electric and hybrid vehicles. It focuses on over 1,000 incentives and mandates, from Europe, North America and significant highlights from other regions.