Recogni Delivers One Petaop/s

The startup’s initial AI accelerator can process four streams of 4K video while using less than 25W. A novel approach to math and weight compression help keep the die size small.

WI-FI 7 AP Chips Coming Next Year

Next-generation Wi Fi 7 is on the horizon, and the leading wireless-LAN chipmakers—Broadcom, MediaTek, and Qualcomm—are already sampling new access-point chipsets for production next year.

SIA News Roundup

Sen. Mark Warner, Semiconductor Industry Execs Meet to Discuss Strengthening Domestic Chip Research, Design, Manufacturing

Inflation – Why it’s good for Semiconductors

Inflation – Why it’s good for Semiconductors G. Dan Hutcheson The Chip Insider® Price inflation is something one hears about almost every day. Running in the high single-digit range in most large countries, its impact reverberates up and down the semiconductor supply chain on a daily basis, as

Probe Card Market hit $2.5B in 2021

Probe Card Market hit $2.5B in 2021 Ha Pham 2021 was another great year for the Probe Card market with sales hitting $2.5B. Foundry and IDM Logic drove most of the gains thanks to a soaring demand, especially at the leading-edge nodes. The Top 10 Probe Card Suppliers accounted for more than 80% of