Teardown: Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5G

Teardown: Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5G Foldable phones, once thought to be a dream, have become a reality. While flip phones were introduced many years ago as one of the first iterations of expanding cell phone form factors, it wasn’t the screen that folded but more the phone housing and keyboard

Teardown: Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold laptop

Teardown: Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold laptop Foldable electronics are growing in number but remain a niche market overall. Consumers are interested in the technology but the practicality of using foldable electronics is something that just hasn’t caught on in waves. While foldable smartphones have been

RISC-V Extension Eliminates Division

RISC-V International, the governing body of the open-standard instruction set, recently approved four new specifications that address multiplication, bootloaders, and debugging, reducing the gap with Arm.

Imagination Launches RISC-V Core

Imagination Technologies has unveiled its first Catapult family member. Based on the RISC-V architecture, the CPU core targets real-time applications, putting Cortex-R52 in its sights.

Gaudi2 Makes Impressive MLPerf Debut

In the latest round of MLPerf Training results, Graphcore’s Bow offers a modest improvement and Habana’s Gaudi2 triples performance over its predecessor, vaulting past Nvidia’s A100 on one benchmark.