VR Headset Platform Share 2014-2022

This report examines the share of shipments, installed base, and revenues for each of the major platforms. These include Google Cardboard, Daydream, Samsung Gear VR, HTC, Oculus, Windows MR and Sony PSVR.

Apple HomePod 2nd Gen A2825 Smart Speaker

The Apple HomePod 2nd Gen A2825 is a voice-interactive smart speaker and home assistant. Compared to the A16339, the has seven microphones (one more than the A1639) and beam-forming technology allows the user to perform a wide range of actions by using voice commands.

U-Bolt Pro Smart Lock

Can Lower-Cost Smart Locks Open the Door to a $4.4B Smart Lock Market? Our ebook highlights the broad range of content available to TechInsights’ clients across our User Experience, Teardown, and Market Analysis capabilities.

Was the 2021 chip shortage real?

Was the 2021 chip shortage real? G. Dan Hutcheson The Chip Insider® Summary: Was the 2021 chip shortage real? This is the story of how the COVID Pandemic morphed into a Shortage Fever Pandemic, as the pandemic led to a shortage which turned into a glut. There were shortages on a micro level. But