China Smartphone Vendor & OS Marketshare : Q2 2023

China smartphone shipments dropped -5% YoY in Q2 2023. It has been the worst second quarter in the past ten years. The encouraging side is that the decline rate narrowed down in Q2 from the previous quarters, signaling the stabilization and the start of the recovery cycle of China smartphone market in the upcoming quarters.

Global Smartphone Vendor and OS

Global smartphone shipments shrinks -8% YoY in Q2 2023, due to inventory adjustments and the mixed consumer demand from geopolitical uncertainties, and unfavorable economic conditions.

Tax Reform for Workforce Development & Silicon Photonics

Tax Reform for Workforce Development & Silicon Photonics G. Dan Hutcheson The Chip Insider® Summary: Tax Reform as an Industrial Policy to solve the workforce issue: In late 2020, I wrote '10 Things Biden can do to save Semiconductors,'... The CHIPS Act made it clear there was a bipartisan