Intel Investor Day. Tower, Trust, Data Analytics.

Intel Investor Day. Tower, Trust, Data Analytics. G. Dan Hutcheson The Chip Insider® Strategy and Tactics: Intel Investor Day. Tower, Trust, Data Analytics. Intel Investor Day 2022: As 2020 came to a close it was clear to everyone interested, and more importantly to Intel's board, that a change was

DRAM Growth Super-Hot

DRAM Growth Super-Hot G. Dan Hutcheson Semiconductor Analytics Semiconductor sales pulled up as the shortage continued to drive demand, with record sales in the $10-12B/week range. The IC weather held at 88°F last week. Semiconductor Sales growth continued to hover above the 20% Y/Y bar last week

The Upturn Is Still Running Wild

The Upturn Is Still Running Wild Andrea Lati The Chip Insider® Order activity for semiconductor equipment held steady at a hot 115 degrees With backlogs at all-time-highs and visibility extending into next year, Equipment manufacturers expect 2022 to be another double-digit growth year The

TechInsights' 2022 Semiconductor Forecast Raised to 14%

TechInsights' 2022 Semiconductor Forecast Raised to 14% G. Dan Hutcheson Semiconductor Analytics Semiconductor sales pulled back for a second week in a typical February drawdown, albeit at unseen historical heights. The IC weather warmed 1°F last week. Semiconductor Sales growth continued to hover