IC Cost and Price Model

IC Cost and Price Model

End-to-end cost and price model for low-power silicon integrated circuits.

Presenting a self-contained and comprehensive solution model that finds its utility in various applications, including benchmarking, price evaluation, and market research. This versatile tool is not only suited for Purchasing Departments but also extends its benefits to Integrated Device Manufacturers (IDMs), fabless companies, analysts, consultants, electronics systems entities, automotive companies, and a host of other industries.

Semiconductor Manufacturing Economics IC Cost and Price Model

To understand this evolving landscape, you need a strong industry-leading business analysis tool.

The Semiconductor Manufacturing Economics Advantage

These products give any organization unique and detailed insights into the semiconductor supply chain. Customers include the world’s largest IDMs, foundries, fabless, electronics systems, automotive companies, equipment OEMs and materials suppliers, analysts, universities, and start-ups.
Supported Assembly Processes:

Over 700 processes by company (in production only), and process node covering established products in ASIC, CIS, DSP, MCU, Mixed Signal, RF, DRAM, Flash, and Embedded Memory applications. (No advanced DRAM, and no 3D NAND – Strategic Model only).

Supported Wafer Size:

100mm, 125mm, 150mm, 200mm, and 300mm.

Supported Cost Elements:

Wafer cost, wafer test, packaging, and final test on 8 (eight) entries.


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