Power Semiconductor Market Share -
2Q 2023

Power Semiconductor Market Share - 2Q 2023

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The Global Power Semiconductor market is estimated to be valued at $52.7 billion in 2023. Infineon are leading the market with an estimated power semiconductor revenue of $9.3 billion in 2023. They are followed by STMicroelectronics and Texas Instruments with $5.8B and $5.2B revenue respectively. Infineon maintains a clear lead in the power semiconductor space with 17.6% market share, far ahead of the second-ranked vendor STMicro. Interestingly, Texas Instruments' market share has shrunk from 12.1% to 9.8% over 2021-23 pushing it to third position. The Top 15 global power semi vendors combined has secured 75.6% market share in 2023.

It is worth mentioning that the calendar year 2020 revenue may not be ideal for any comparison and analysis due to the skewing effect of Covid 19 pandemic. Also note that we have accounted for classic power semiconductor (non-RF) revenues only.

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