Tablet Vendor & OS, Unit & Value Market Share by Region: Q1 2023 Results

Tablet Vendor & OS, Unit & Value Market Share by Region

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The economic slowdown combined with the post-COVID lull in product demand brought the tablet market down to pre-pandemic territory at 33.4 million units, down -19% year-on-year. Apple and Samsung led in market share but were not immune from low demand globally. Smaller vendors in China gained some ground at the expense of Huawei's smaller footprint as economic activity picks up in the wake of relaxed COVID restrictions. This report contains finalized quarterly tablet shipments, values, and average selling prices (ASPs) by major vendor and by operating system from Q1 2010 through Q1 2023 with forecasts until Q4 2024. Platforms covered include iOS/iPadOS, Android, Windows, Chrome, and HarmonyOS.

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