TechInsights’ Accessibility Plan
1. Statement of Commitment
TechInsights is committed to ensuring equal access and participation for people with disabilities. We are committed to treating people with disabilities in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We will do so by removing and preventing barriers to accessibility and by meeting our accessibility requirements under Ontario’s accessibility laws.
2. Purpose
In compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), TechInsights has developed a multi-year accessibility plan to outline strategies to prevent and remove barriers to accessibility for customers and employees with disabilities.
This accessibility plan outlines the steps TechInsights is taking to meet those requirements and to improve opportunities for people with disabilities.
Our plan shows how TechInsights will play its role in making Ontario an accessible province for all Ontarians.
3. Governing Laws and Regulations
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), 2005
Accessibility Standard for Customer Service (Ontario Regulation 429/07)
Integrated Accessibility Standards (Ontario Regulation 191/11)
Design of Public Spaces Standard (Part 4.1)
Ontario Human Rights Code
4. Customer Service Standard
4.1 Customer Service
TechInsights has developed practices to comply with Regulation 429/07 of the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service. These practices:
- Take into consideration a person’s disability when interacting and communicating with them
- Allow assistive devices, service animals and support persons to accompany persons with disabilities
- Notify customers of disruptions in the facilities or services usually used by persons with disabilities
- Provide a means for receiving and responding to feedback about the way it provides goods or services to persons with disabilities. Please see Section 9 (Feedback Process) below for further details
- Notify customers that documents are available upon request and in accessible formats or with communication supports that take into account the person’s disability
4.2 Training
TechInsights will provide training to all employees on accessible customer service and how to accommodate persons with disabilities. This includes new hires as part of their orientation. In addition, any third-party representatives of TechInsights who deal with the public will also be trained.
5. Information and Communication Standard
5.1 Accessible Formats and Communication Supports
TechInsights is committed to meeting the communication needs of people with disabilities. We will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability. When asked, we will provide information about our organization and its services, including emergency and public safety information, in accessible formats, or with communication supports.
For information made available to the public by TechInsights, and other means of communication, upon request and in a timely manner, TechInsights will:
- Consult with the person making the request for alternate formats or communication supports to determine a format that takes into account his or her disability
- Provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports at a cost that is no more than the regular cost charged to other persons
TechInsights has taken the following steps to make sure all publicly available information is made accessible upon request:
- Ensure our reception desk has a copy of our Accessibility Plan and Accessibility Policy
- Post the Accessibility Plan and Accessibility Policy on TechInsights’ intranet to ensure access to all employees, allowing them to share when requested
Exceptions: TechInsights is not required to provide accessible formats for products and product labels, unconvertible information or communications, and information that TechInsights does not directly or indirectly control.
5.2 Accessible Websites and Web Content
TechInsights has taken the following steps to make our existing website and content conform to WCAG 2.0 Level A:
- Upon request, provide a written transcript of any video material on our website
- Ensure that all content is available in large font
- Upon request, employees can provide verbal content over the phone or in-person
By January 1, 2021, TechInsights will design our internet websites and web content to conform with WCAG 2.0 Level AA.
6. Employment Standard
TechInsights is committed to fair and accessible employment practices. The following steps are in place to notify the public and staff that, when requested, TechInsights will accommodate people with disabilities during the recruitment and assessment processes and when people are hired:
- We have posted our Accessibility Plan including our Statement of Commitment to equal access on our website and our intranet
- We will understand requirements in advance of a visiting candidate in order to ensure accommodation is provided where needed
6.1. Workplace Emergency Response
TechInsights will provide publicly available emergency information in an accessible format upon request.
We will develop an individualized emergency response plan for any employee who requests assistance in the event of an emergency. Such plans may be temporary or permanent in nature, depending on the individual needs. The plans will be made available in accessible formats as required. With the employee’s consent, a copy will be provided if needed to anyone who will be providing assistance to the employee.
On an ongoing basis and on request, TechInsights will:
- Consult with the employee making the request to develop individualized workplace emergency response information and plans
- Reference support documents include: AODA Emergency Evacuation Self-Assessment and the Need for Assistance in Case of an Emergency
- Review the information if/when the employee moves to a different location within TechInsights, when overall accommodation plans are reviewed, and when TechInsights reviews its emergency response policies
6.2. Recruitment
TechInsights is committed to ensuring its hiring and selection process is inclusive of persons with disabilities. To meet that commitment TechInsights:
- Notifies internal and external job applicants that accommodations for disabilities will be provided on request, to support their participation in all aspects of the recruitment process. Notification will be posted on all job postings. Alternate formats will be provided on request
- Notifies job applicants by email when they are individually selected to participate in selection and assessment process that accommodations are available on request. TechInsights will work with the applicant to determine their accommodation needs for the selection and assessment process
- Notifies the successful applicant in the job offer letter of policies for accommodating employees with disabilities when making an offer of employment
6.3. Accessible Formats and Communication Supports for Employees
TechInsights is committed to ensuring that employees have access to information that is needed to perform their jobs and that is generally available to employees in the workplace. TechInsights:
- Informs employees of policies used to support individuals with disabilities including the provision of job accommodations and supports. Training is provided and documentation is posted on our intranet site
- When requested, will consult with employees to provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports:
- Information to perform their jobs
- Information that is generally available to employees in the workplace
- Such supports will be determined in consultation with the employee making the request. Supports may include screen reader software, electronic copies of printed documents, large print documents, etc.
- Will provide updated information to its employees whenever there is a change to the policy
6.4. Documented Individual Accommodation Plans
TechInsights is committed to ensuring that employees with disabilities are provided with appropriate accommodations to meet the specific needs of that individual.
- TechInsights will work with employees on request, to prepare and document individual accommodation plans. These accommodation plans apply to both temporary and permanent disabilities. The plan will be a written process for the accommodation of employees with disabilities and will be provided in an accessible format if requested
6.5. Return to Work Process
Where employees have been absent from work due to a disability, either on a permanent or temporary basis, TechInsights is committed to ensuring the employee is reintegrated into the workplace.
- As needed TechInsights will develop and document a return to work process for employees who have been absent from work due to a disability and require disability related accommodations in order to return to work
- Depending on the nature of the disability, the return to work process may include the provision of communication supports or assistive devices, fewer hours, retraining, transitional work etc.
- We will work with our Insurance Company covering the disability to ensure accommodation plans are made in advance of the employee’s return
6.6. Performance Management and Career Development and Advancement
TechInsights is committed to ensuring that employees with disabilities are considered fairly in assessing their performance, productivity and effectiveness, and are granted equal access to opportunities for career development and advancement.
- TechInsights will take into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities, as well as individual accommodation plans, when providing feedback to employees regarding their performance
- TechInsights will take into account the accessibility needs as well as individual accommodation plans for employees with disabilities when providing career development and advancement
7. Design of Public Spaces
TechInsights will meet the Accessibility Standards for the Design of Public Spaces when building or making major modifications to public spaces. These include:
- Outdoor public eating or picnic areas
- Outdoor paths of travel, like sidewalks, ramps, stairs, curb ramps, rest areas
- Accessible parking
- Reception area
When emergency maintenance, preventative maintenance or temporary disruptions occur resulting in accessible elements not in working order, TechInsights will complete the following:
- A notice will be sent electronically to all employees
- Signs will be placed in public spaces and will include: an explanation of the disruption, its anticipated length of time and a description of alternative facilities or services if available
8. Review
This Accessibility Plan will be reviewed annually and, if necessary, updated at least once every five (5) years.
9. Feedback Process
TechInsights welcomes internal and external customer feedback on how we provide accessible customer service. Customer feedback will help us identify barriers and respond to concerns.
TechInsights will ensure that our processes for receiving and responding to feedback are accessible to persons with disabilities by providing or arranging for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports, upon request. This information will be posted publicly on our website:, within the TechInsights Accessibility Plan.
TechInsights will notify customers and the public about the availability of accessible formats and communications supports with respect to the feedback process. Customers will also be notified of how to provide feedback. This information will be posted publicly in the following ways:
- On our website, within the TechInsights Accessibility Plan
- A notice with details regarding our feedback process will be posted in a public area
- A copy of our feedback process will be available to the public at our Reception Desk
Customers who wish to provide feedback about the manner in which TechInsights’ provides goods, services or facilities to persons with disabilities are welcome to contact TechInsights in the following way(s):
By Phone: | +1 613 599 6500 |
By Email: | |
In Person / by Mail: | TechInsights Inc. 1891 Robertson Road, Suite 500, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2H 5B7 |
On our Website: | |
9.1. Receiving and Responding to Feedback
TechInsights has established the following process for receiving and responding to feedback, including complaints, about the manner in which TechInsights’ provides goods, services or facilities to persons with disabilities.
TechInsights will receive feedback by phone, email, mail, a request in person or through our website.
TechInsights will take the following actions if feedback or a complaint is received about the manner in which TechInsights’ provides goods, services or facilities to persons with disabilities:
- All complaints or feedback received by TechInsights will be directed to Human Resources (
- All complaints or feedback will be acknowledged in a timely manner
- Customers can expect to hear back in 2 business days
- All responses from TechInsights will be provided in the same format as received, unless otherwise requested.
- TechInsights will ensure that the feedback process is accessible to persons with disabilities by providing, or arranging for the provision of, accessible formats and communication supports, on request.
9.2. Notice of Availability of Documents
TechInsights will make information about the feedback process, as well as all documents that relate to accessible customer service, readily available to the public. This information will be posted publicly in the following ways:
- On our website, within the TechInsights Accessibility Plan
- A notice will be posted in a public area at our office
- A copy of our feedback process, as well as all documents that relate to accessible customer service, will be available to the public at our Reception Desk upon request
TechInsights will provide documents in an accessible format or with communication support, on request. We will consult with the person making the request to determine the suitability of the format or communication support. We will provide the accessible format in a timely manner and, at no additional cost.
This document, the TechInsights Accessibility Plan, has been prepared to include a description of the feedback process and, on request, TechInsights will give a copy of this document to any person.
10. For More Information
We invite individuals to communicate by telephone, by email, in person, in writing or through our website using the contact information below:
Business Phone: | +1 613 599 6500 |
Email: | |
Address: | TechInsights Inc. 1891 Robertson Road, Suite 500, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2H 5B7 |
Web Address: | |
Information about our feedback process, including our Accessibility Plan and Accessibility Policy will be made available in an accessible format or with communication supports at no cost upon request. This information is also available publicly on our website and available upon request in person at our Reception Desk. A notice will also be posted to advise the public about our feedback process.
TechInsights’ Accessibility Policy
1. Statement of Commitment
TechInsights is committed to ensuring equal access and participation for people with disabilities. We are committed to treating people with disabilities in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We will do so by removing and preventing barriers to accessibility and by meeting our accessibility requirements under Ontario’s accessibility laws.
2. Purpose
This policy is intended to outline TechInsights practices for complying with the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) under the AODA, which were established to identify, remove and prevent barriers and increase accessibility for persons with disabilities in the areas of customer service, information and communications and employment.
3. Governing Laws and Regulations
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), 2005
Accessibility Standard for Customer Service (Ontario Regulation 429/07)
Integrated Accessibility Standards (Ontario Regulation 191/11)
Design of Public Spaces Standard (Part 4.1)
Ontario Human Rights Code
4. Application
This policy applies to all employees, consultants and third-party contractors acting on behalf of TechInsights.
5. Customer Service Policy
TechInsights is committed to meeting its current and ongoing obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code respecting non-discrimination as well as those under the AODA and we are committed to excellence in serving all customers including people with disabilities.
TechInsights will ensure that the provision of its goods and services are consistent with the principles of dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity for persons with disabilities.
When interacting with clients and other third parties with disabilities, TechInsights will make every reasonable effort to accommodate in the following areas:
5.1 Assistive Devices
Employees, consultants and third-party contractors will accommodate the use of personal assistive devices. Assistive Device is defined as any tool, technology, or equipment that facilitates the performance of everyday tasks by a person with a disability (e.g. wheelchairs, walkers, hearing aids, communication boards).
5.2 Service Animals and Guide Dogs
TechInsights welcomes people with disabilities and their service animals. Service animals are allowed on the parts of our premises that are open to the public, including our Reception area, guest washroom and meeting rooms.
5.3 Support Persons
A person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person will be allowed to have that person accompany them on our premises. A support person is defined as an individual who accompanies a person with disability in order to help with communication, mobility, personal care or medical needs or with access to goods or services.
5.4 Accessible Formats and Supports
TechInsights will, upon request, and in consultation with the person making the request, provide accessible formats and communication supports for persons with disabilities in a timely manner, taking into account the person’s accessibility needs. The format of the information or communication will also take into account the needs of the person making the request and will be provided in a timely manner and at a cost that is no more than the regular cost.
5.5 Communication
When communicating with a person with a disability, TechInsights will take into account the person’s disability and will work with them to determine what method of communication works best. Additionally, TechInsights will provide training on how to communicate with people with disabilities.
5.6 Feedback Process
TechInsights welcomes internal and external customer feedback on how we provide accessible customer service, as well as feedback on our goods, services and facilities. We invite customers to communicate by telephone, in person, in writing or via email. All customer feedback will be directed to Human Resources, acknowledged in a timely manner and responded to within 2 business days, in the same format as received.
TechInsights will make sure our feedback process is accessible to people with disabilities by providing or arranging for accessible formats and communication supports upon request.
The public will be notified about the availability of accessible formats and communication supports with respect to the feedback process in the following ways:
- On our public website under
- A notice with details regarding our feedback process will be posted in a public area
- A copy of our feedback process will be available to the public at our Reception Desk
For further details regarding our Feedback Process, please reference Section 9 (Feedback Process) within the TechInsights Accessibility Plan.
5.7 Notice of Temporary Disruption
In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption to services or facilities for customers with disabilities, TechInsights will notify customers promptly. A clearly posted notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated length of time, and a description of alternative facilities or services, if available. The notice will be placed at Reception and other public areas where required.
6. Employee Training
TechInsights will provide training to all employees on accessible customer service and how to accommodate persons with disabilities. This includes new hires as part of their orientation. In addition, any third-party representatives of TechInsights who deal with the public will also be trained.
Training will include the following elements:
- An overview of the AODA, and the requirements of the customer service standard
- TechInsights accessible customer service plan
- How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities
- How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or a support person
- How to use on-site equipment and devices (e.g. onsite wheelchair) to provide accessible customer service for people with disabilities
- What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty in accessing TechInsights’ goods and services
Training will also be provided following any changes to our plan and/or policies.
7. Information and Communications
In accordance with the Information and Communication Standards, TechInsights will ensure that information and communication that is made available to its clients or to the public is available in alternate formats or with communication supports when requested by a person with a disability. The format of the information or communication will take into account the needs of the person making the request and will be provided in a timely manner and at a cost that is no more than the regular cost.
8. Employment
8.1 Recruitment
TechInsights will ensure that its recruitment, evaluation, selection and hiring processes welcome candidates with disabilities and take their disability into account throughout the selection process. TechInsights will notify internal and external job applicants that accommodations for disabilities will be provided on request to support their participation in all aspects of the recruitment and selection process. This will be communicated on the job posting, and either verbally or by email when an applicant is selected to participate in the interview and assessment process.
8.2 Accessible Formats and Communication Supports
TechInsights will consult with the employee when requested, to provide or arrange for job accommodations or supports that take into account their disability. Such supports may include screen readers software, audio supports, or appropriate desk configuration. Accommodations also include accessible formats and communication supports for information that pertains to their jobs and information that is generally available to employees in the workplace. TechInsights will ensure that successful applicants as well as current employees are aware of our policies for accommodating disabilities.
8.3 Workplace Emergency Response Information
When notified of a worker’s disability, TechInsights will work with the individual to prepare an emergency response plan. Information about a person’s disability will be treated confidentially and only shared with others who are selected to take part in the emergency plan (with the employee’s consent).
The emergency response plan will undergo review when the employee moves to a different location, when the employee’s overall accommodation needs or plans are reviewed and when TechInsights reviews its general emergency response plan.
8.4 Documented Individual Accommodation Plans
A written process for the development and maintenance of documented individual accommodation plans will be developed for employees with disabilities. If requested, the plans will include individualized workplace emergency response information.
8.5 Return to Work Process
TechInsights has a return to work process for employees returning to work due to disability and requiring disability-related accommodations. This return to work process is designed in collaboration both with the employee and the Insurance company covering disability.
8.6 Performance Management and Career Development and Redeployment
TechInsights will consider the accessibility needs of its employees with disabilities as well as any individual accommodation plans when providing career development, performance management and when considering redeployment.
9. Design of Public Spaces
TechInsights will meet the Accessibility Standards for the Design of Public Spaces when building or making major modifications to public spaces (parking lot, service counter, outdoor eating area, Reception area, etc.)
10. Accessibility Plan
TechInsights has produced an Accessibility Plan which outlines strategies to prevent and remove barriers to our customers as well as our employees with disabilities. The Accessibility Plan as well as this Accessibility Policy are posted on our website and on our intranet and should be made available to customers in an accessible format or with communication supports, when requested.
Both the Accessibility Plan and the Accessibility Policy will be reviewed annually and updated as needed.
11. For More Information
TechInsights will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability. We will provide information about our organization and its goods, services, facilities, emergency and public safety information, feedback processes and other public information, in accessible formats or with communication supports, on request.
Customers are encouraged to communicate by telephone, by email, in person, in writing or through our website using the contact information below:
Business Phone: | +1 613 599 6500 |
Email: | |
Address: | TechInsights Inc. 1891 Robertson Road, Suite 500, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2H 5B7 |
Web Address: | |
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