Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Forecast - Data Tables for Autonomous Vehicles - Aug 2023

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Forecast - Data Tables for Autonomous Vehicles - Aug 2023

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This market forecast highlights the growth opportunities for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) at both a system and sensor level. This update has a more positive outlook for vehicle production in 2023, but overall a similar longer-term vehicle output picture. Key changes include an acceleration in demand for LiDAR in China. The market for ADAS is thus now expected to grow at a CAAGR of 13.5% over 2022 to 2027, with content-per-vehicle increases boosting demand more than growth in vehicle production. Three additional scenarios can be explored, reflecting the various risks that might impact the outlook for demand. This detailed Excel report details and quantifies the market growth of sixteen different ADAS features out to 2030, as well as the RADAR, camera, LiDAR and other sensors that support their functionality. It highlights the key systems, regions, vehicle segments and OEMs that are driving the market. It contains both pre-built data cuts and flat files and pivot tables to enable custom analysis of the data set.

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