Automotive Semiconductor Demand Forecast 2021 to 2030 - July 2023

Automotive Semiconductor Demand Forecast 2021 to 2030 - July 2023

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While the remnants of the COVID situation and the war in Ukraine, and subsequent fears over the global economy remain dominant factors impacting vehicle output in this update, TechInsights sees signs that semiconductor supply is starting to become less of an issue. In 2023, automotive semiconductor is forecast to grow by 19.0%, as semiconductor supply issues are resolved and is augmented by higher ASPs and the continued momentum towards electrification and the underlying trends around new ADAS/autonomy, advanced infotainment, telematics, and connectivity. This will also be reflected in a move towards use of domain controllers and zonal architectures with the move towards zonal architectures adding an additional $84 billion to overall component demand during the forecast timeframe. Over the 5 year period 2022 to 2027 the CAAGR is expected to be +15.9%. Excluding semiconductor-based sensors, the CAAGR for automotive semiconductor dollar demand is expected to be even higher at +16.7%. The global automotive semiconductor market value is forecast to be $113.8 billion by 2027, and reach $144.2 billion by 2030 (including semiconductor-based sensors). This data forecast provides the latest metrics identifying size and growth rate of the future semiconductor demand total across the Powertrain, Body, Chassis, Safety, and Driver Information application domains for the main light vehicle producing regions: North America, Japan, Europe, Russia, South Korea, China, India, Brazil, Thailand and ROW.

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