Deep Dive Teardown of the Linxura Smart Home Controller SCHA-1-MO Smart Home

Deep Dive Teardown of the Linxura Smart Home Controller SCHA-1-MO Smart Home

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The Linux Smart Home Controller has a small number of ICs, the main role here is played by two from STMicroelectronics Bluetooth/ZigBee SoC and NFC Controller, as well as one IC from Renesas - Low-Power WiFi 4 SoC.

The Linxura Smart Home Controller, as the name suggests, is intended to manage intelligent electronics at home. It is quite a simple device, but it contains all the necessary ICs to manage a smart home.

The device is difficult to compare to other smart home controllers on the market. However, the E-Ink display and the systems from STMicroelectronics are worthy of attention as they are both designed to consume very little energy.

NFC Controller works as Capacitive proximity sensor only. The device also includes two serial flash memories from Winbond and Fudan Microelectronics. The Linxura Smart Home Controller is equipped with an E-Ink display with a display driver from Solomon Systech.

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