Tablet Shipments, Revenue, Installed Base, and Penetration Forecast by Form Factor by 88 Countries 2010-2028: Q2 23 Update

Tablet Shipments, Revenue, Installed Base, and Penetration Forecast by Form Factor by 88 Countries 2010-2028: Q2 23 Update

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The basic slate is still a favorite device for casual, lean-back activities such as watching videos, gaming, and social media; Detachable 2-in-1s have evolved into high performance PC replacements as versatility and mobility serves enterprise demand, prosumer demand, and now broader appeal to consumers with affordable, powerful Android and iPadOS options. This capability has become even more important in the era of hybrid work and digital learning, which is we forecast relative stability through 2028, with shipments reaching 176 million units in 2025. This report forecasts tablet shipments, wholesale market value, installed base, household penetration, and user penetration by 3 form factors (Slate Tablet, Detachable 2-in-1, and Foldable Tablet) and by 6 major regions and 88 countries from 2010 to 2028.

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