Qorvo D4QM7719820 RF Switch Die (QM77198) RFIC Process Analysis

Qorvo D4QM7719820 RF Switch Die (QM77198) RFIC Process Analysis

Detailed RFIC process analysis of the Qorvo D4QM7719820 switch die, covering process node, foundry details, and key fabrication metrics for 4G LTE and 5GNR advancements.

The Qorvo D4QM7719820 RF switch die was extracted from the Qorvo QM77198 RFFE module. The QM77198 is a Mid-Band, High-Band (MHB) Radio Frequency Power Amplifier Module with RF switch and integrated duplexers (L-PAMiD) developed for 4G LTE and 5GNR applications. It represents a continued advancement in the MBH L-PAMiDs previously provided by Qorvo.

This RFIC process report focuses on the RF circuit fabrication process. It provides process node and foundry identification; process type and type of substrate used, minimum metal and gate pitches, transistor gate length, gate layers and thicknesses, contacts and metal layers, and dimensions affecting the device parasitics.

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