Feature Phone Sales Forecast for 88 Countries : 2007 to 2029

Feature Phone Sales Forecast for 88 Countries : 2007 to 2029

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TechInsights continues to expect that global smartphone sales will rebound at 3% YoY in 2024. However, we now anticipate a decline in smartphone sales in North America and Western Europe due to reduced consumer disposable income given prolonged inflation. This decline will be offset by higher sales growth in Asia Pacific, Central & Latin America, and Central & Eastern Europe. Smartphone YoY growth will pick up in 2025 before peaking in 2028 following the release of the flip and foldable iPhones. Handset sales will still modestly grow 1% YoY this year. Asia Pacific will remain by far the world's largest region. The "Big Five" countries globally will be China, India, the United States, Brazil, and Indonesia by 2029. Our extensive report forecasts global handset, smartphone, and feature phone sales for 88 countries worldwide for two decades from 2002 to 2029. Every major country worldwide is covered, including the United States, China, India, Indonesia, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Japan, South Korea, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and many others. This report can be used by operators, software developers, content developers, handset vendors, component makers, car manufacturers, and other stakeholders to determine or prioritize the size and growth rate of the huge global mobile phone market.

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