Japan xEV System, Semiconductor and Sensor Demand Forecast 2022 to 2031 - May 2024

Japan xEV System, Semiconductor and Sensor Demand Forecast 2022 to 2031 - May 2024

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This TechInsights data model presents a view of the Japan outlook for xEV systems and associated semiconductor and sensor demand. Despite the uncertainties and challenges posed by the Ukraine conflict, semiconductor shortages, and a slowing domestic and global economy, the push towards electrification is not slowing down with volume demand continuing to grow. The early emphasis on full hybrid platforms will start to be replaced by a focus on other xEVs, with battery electric vehicles a particular focus. This will help to sustain demand for xEV semiconductor and sensor components, and the market will grow at a CAAGR of 6% over 2023–2028, from $1.0 billion to $1.3 billion. The continued momentum will push market demand to $1.5 billion by 2031.

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