Russia xEV System, Semiconductor and Sensor Demand Forecast 2021 to 2030 - July 2023

Russia xEV System, Semiconductor and Sensor Demand Forecast 2021 to 2030 - July 2023

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This TechInsights data model presents a view of the Russia outlook for xEV systems and associated semiconductor and sensor demand. The market remains at an early stage with a primary emphasis towards mild and battery electric platforms. Deployment of plug-in hybrid will be negligible while there is expected to be a negligible market for full hybrid platforms. The limited volumes will impact the associated demand for more advanced xEV semiconductor and sensor components. The market will grow at a CAAGR of 74% over 2022 - 2027, from just over $2 million to $25 million. The continued momentum will push market demand to $37 million by 2030.

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