Notebook PC Vendor & OS Unit & Value Market Share by Region: Q1 2023 Results

Notebook PC Vendor & OS Unit & Value Market Share by Region: Q1 2023 Results

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Tough macroeconomic conditions and a continued lull in notebook demand led to a precipitous drop in shipments in the 1st quarter of 2023 which declined -30% versus the same quarter a year ago. Despite discounts and other incentives to buy notebooks, channel inventory remained high, resulting in shipment numbers that have not been seen since pre-pandemic times. All manufacturers saw a decline in shipments, as Apple and Lenovo saw the steepest drop at -43% and -34% respectively. This report contains finalized quarterly notebook PC shipments, values, and average selling prices (ASPs) by major vendor and by operating system from Q1 2010 through Q1 2023 with forecasts until Q4 2024. Platforms covered include Windows, Chrome OS, MacOS and Others.

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