Notebook PC Cellular Connectivity and Embedded SIM Shipment and Installed Base Forecast 2015-2028

Notebook PC Cellular Connectivity and Embedded SIM Shipment and Installed Base Forecast 2015-2028

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In 2023, cellular connected notebook PCs are expected to decline along with the wider PC market, down 13% versus 2022 to 8.8 million units. While cellular-embedded notebooks have grown over the pandemic to 5% market share, continued uncertainty remains. While having a cellular-embedded PC provides the opportunity for a more secure & more responsive PC experience, growth outside the commercial segment has been negligible. This report forecasts global notebook PC shipments and installed base by connectivity and by SIM in the 6 major regions for the years 2015 to 2028, providing analysis and data splits by 3G, 4G, 5G, and eSIM.

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