Murata SS3616043 FR2 AiP
Packaging Analysis

Murata SS3616043 FR2 AiP Packaging Analysis

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This report presents a Package Analysis on the Murata SS3616043 AiP module. The SS3616043 is Murata’s Antenna-In-Package (AiP) module that contains the RF path from the antenna elements to the RF transceiver for the frequency bands associated with FR2 frequencies.

Physically, the SS3616043 is formed on a flexible liquid crystal polymer (LCP) printed wiring board (PWB) that is divided into two halves connected by upper layer LCP flex cable extensions. Inside the top of phone chassis, the module is bent into an L-shape such that the two elements are perpendicular to one another, and the antenna arrays radiates out of the top and back of the phone. This analysis was performed on samples removed from the Google Pixel 8 Pro (G1MNW).

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