Automotive System Demand 2021 to 2030: Architecture Change Impacts Growth

Automotive System Demand 2021 to 2030: Architecture Change Impacts Growth

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This market forecast highlights the impact that vehicle architecture change is having on automotive electronics system demand. Despite a lower outlook for vehicle production than this time last year, overall system demand is now expected to be greater, as high-value domain and Zonal Controllers add cost faster than it can be removed through ECU consolidation. The market for automotive electronic systems is thus expected to grow at a CAAGR of 9.8% over 2022 to 2027, with new electrified vehicle platforms, which feature the latest in zonal architecture, ADAS and infotainment functionality, leading the way. This report contains a detailed analysis of the market by domain, region, OEM and vehicle segment/sector.It also contains short-term scenarios for 2023 to 2025 to reflect some of the uncertainties in the market.

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